Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Flight Ready Dashboard Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Flight Ready Dashboard - Research Paper Example This is to say and mention that the general equipment and technical awareness or strength of the aircraft has also been improved and bettered. In history, the dashboards have been changed and modified since the period of the 1970s. At first, the aircraft dashboard has changed and grown from analogue to digital formats. The irreducible minimum in this line of thought is that the dashboards have been used to form decision support systems. In principle, in the period of 1990s, saw the dashboard industry undergo a tremendous impact and change in the technological improvements (Boman, 1995). This was particularly, the period where the web and the internet gained prominence in the world as a means and avenue of communication and conduit to information. Thus, the manufacturers of the dashboards had to conform to the changes and improvements which were happening on the internet and the webs. The basic irreducible principle and format in the dashboard was developed to gather and collect information from all the other parts of the airplane. At first, the initial making of the dashboards was that they were fixed and built in the cockpit. However, as the times progressed, the developers and the manufacturers of the dashboards have developed dashboards which are fixed outside the box. This paper will thus examine in details, the growth and the advancement of the flight ready dashboard over the years. In principle, the developers of the dashboards have also ensured that the evolved dashboards have ensured that the benefits of the digital dashboards have cutting edge benefits. In prospect, the flight ready dashboards have been modified into executive and top of the art systems. Subsequently, the flight ready benefits have some advantages and benefits over the initial dashboards which were developed. They include visual presentation of the data and trace the performance of
Monday, October 28, 2019
A Study on Impact of Fdi on Service Sector Essay Example for Free
A Study on Impact of Fdi on Service Sector Essay The study aims to analyze the growth dynamics of the FDI. It intends to see whether the growth in FDI has any significant impact on the service sector growth and also investigates whether a growth in this sector causes the GDP to grow, also analyzes the significance of the FDI Inflows in Indian service sector. The study also looks into the sub-sectoral dynamics and indicates towards the fact that the trade, hotels and restaurants, transport. storage and communications sub-sector contributes the most in the growth of Indian service sector. FDI to developing countries in the 1990s was the leading source of external financing. It is one of the most important component of national development strategies for most of the countries in the world and an important source of non-debt inflows for attaining competitive efficiency by creating a meaningful network of global interconnections. FDI provide opportunities to host countries to enhance their economic development and opens new opportunities to home countries to optimize their earnings by employing their ideal resources. India ranks fifteenth in the services output and it provides employment to around 23% of the total workforce in the country. The various sectors under the Services Sector in India are construction, trade, hotels, transport, restaurant, communication and storage, social and personal services, community, insurance, financing, business services, and real estate. Meaning: FDI stands for Foreign Direct Investment, a component of a countrys national financial accounts. Foreign direct investment is investment of foreign assets into domestic structures, equipment, and organizations. It does not include foreign investment into the stock markets. Foreign direct investment is thought to be more useful to a country than investments in the equity of its companies because equity investments are potentially hot money which can leave at the first sign of trouble, whereas FDI is durable and generally useful whether things go well or badly. Classifications of Foreign Direct Investment FDI is classified depending on the direction of flow of money. * Outward FDI:Any investment made by a country in other countries will account for outward FDI. Where as, all the FDIs invested by other countries in that country is called inward FDI. Outward FDI, also referred to as direct investment abroad, is backed by the government against all associated risk. * Inward FDI : Inward FDI occurs when foreign capital is invested in local resources. The factors propelling the growth of inward FDI include tax breaks, low interest rates and grants. FDI is classified depending on how the subsidiary company works in par with the parent investors. * Vertical: Vertical FDIs happen when a corporation owns some share of the foreign enterprise. The local enterprise could either be supplying the input or selling finished goods to the parent corporation. The subsidiary here helps the parent company to grow more. * Horizontal: When the MNCs kick off similar business operations in different countries it becomes horizontal Foreign Direct Investment. It is actually a cloning that is happening here. Both the countries enjoy the same share of growth. FDI IN INDIA After getting independence in 1947, the government of India envisioned a socialist approach based on the USSR system to developing the countryââ¬â¢s economy. The last decade of the 20th century witnessed a drastic increase in foreign direct investment (FDI), accompanied by a marked change in the attitude of most developing countries towards inward investment. FDI flows have grown in importance relative to other forms of international capital flows, and the resulting production has increased as a share of world output.. FDI in India has in a lot of ways enabled India to achieve a certain degree of financial stability, growth and development during recession. This money has allowed India to focus on the areas that may have needed economic attention and address various problems that continue to challenge the country. The factors that attracted investment in India are stable economic policies, availability of cheap and quality human resources, and opportunities of new unexplored markets. Mostly FDI are flowing in service sector and manufacturing sector recorded very low investments. The investments in service sector enhanced the benefit of flow of funds to the home country. Presently India is contributing about 17% of world total population but the share of GDP to world GDP is 2%. India has been ranked at the second place in global foreign direct investments in 2010 and will continue to remain among the top five attractive destinations for international investors during 2010-12 period, according to United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in a report on world investment prospects titled, World Investment Prospects Survey 2009-2012. According to the fact sheet on foreign direct investment dated October 2010. Mauritius is the highest FDI investment in equity inflows with 42% of the total inflow followed by Singapore, USA, UK and Netherlands with 9%, 7%, 5% and 4% respectively. Service sector is the highest FDI attracting inflows with 21% of the total inflows, followed by computer software and hardware, telecommunication and housing and real estate with 9%, 8%, 7% and 7% inflows respectively. A report released in February 2010 by Leeds University Business School, commissioned by UK Trade ;amp; Investment (UKTI), ranks India among the top three countries where British companies can do better business during 2012-14. According to Ernst and Youngs 2010 European Attractiveness Survey, India is ranked as the fourth most attractive foreign direct investment destination in 2010.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay on Miltons Paradise Lost -Satanââ¬â¢s Myth of Free Will
Satanââ¬â¢s Myth of Free Will in Paradise Lostà à Milton, through Satan's soliloquies in Book 4, shows that Satan's idea of free will is a facade, and God carefully manipulates him to fulfill his plan of Adam and Eve's fall. While speaking, Satan inadvertently places doubts in the reader's mind that his will is free. Satan proves through his actions that God created him to act in a very narrow range, even though he himself does not realize this. The combination of pride, ambition, abhorrence of subordination, and ignorance of his own state as a puppet lead to perpetually diminishing stature and divinity. à à à à à à à à à à Satan introspects in the first soliloquy (lines 32-113), searching for the motivation and reasoning behind his fall. He struggles with why he felt the urge to rebel. This very doubting suggests that his rebellion does not originate from a conscious effort; it is part of his internal makeup. Therefore, God created a flawed angel from the beginning (this is also supported by the fact that Sin comes from Satan's head while he is still in Heaven). à à à à à à à à à à Satan first acknowledges that his pride and ambition caused his fall (4.40). After his first mention of the two weaknesses, he says that God created "what I was / in that bright eminence . . ." (4.43); God not only created him, he gave him his pride and ambition. This begins to establish that God wanted him to fall. Satan further laments what has happened: "O had his powerful destiny ordained / Me some inferior angel, I had stood then / happy . . ." (4.58-60). What Milton suggests and what Satan does not catch on to is that God's destiny is for him to be in a position to fall. Still, Satan asserts that his will is his own: ". . . Since against his thy will / Chose... ...em free . . ." (3.122-4), just as mankind is. Milton's presentation of contrary information in Satan's soliloquies, and in the description of Paradise and Adam and Eve presents an argument that Milton was of Satan's party unknowingly as Blake said, because the lack of free will tends to prove Satan's assertion that God is a tyrant. à à à à à à à à à à This would in effect prove what Satan says in the second soliloquy to Adam and Eve: "Thank him who puts me, loath, to this revenge / on you, who wrong me not, for him who wronged," (386-7). If Satan truly had no free will, then nothing would be his fault, as he alleges. God tells Jesus that humanity can find grace because Satan deceives it into falling, (3.130-2). But, if Satan is deceived into falling, can he also find grace? Works Cited: Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Ed. Scott Elledge. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 1975.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Erwin Chargaff
My name is Erwin Chargaff and I discovered the structure of DNA. After reading Oswald Averyââ¬â¢s report, in 1944, about how genes were composed of DNA I become motivated to begin work on the chemistry of nucleic acids. I started researching with the belief that DNA from different species are different so I had to come up with an experiment to examine the DNA from different species. It was hard for me because I couldnââ¬â¢t get large amounts of DNA so it took awhile for my experimenting. After about 2 years I was able to come up with a solid procedure containing three steps.First, I had to separate the DNA mixture with chromatography paper. Then I converted the separated components into mercury salts and last but not least I was able to identify the purines and pyrimidines ( the building blocks of nucleic acids) by using their ultraviolet absorption spectra. I tested this method several times and was finally able to use it to examine the DNA of yeast and pancreatic cells. About a month later, I submitted two papers on my findings of the DNA of calf thymus and beef spleen and tubercle bacilli and yeast.My papers were rejected so I decided to improve my procedure and by doing that I was able to examine more species. I summarized what I found on nucleic acids in a review and finally in 1950, my experimenting lead to me discover important facts. I came up with three rules that I named as Chargaffââ¬â¢s rule. The first rule is that the number of Adenine always equals the number of thymine. The second is that the number of guanine always equals the number of cytosine and the last one is that the purines (adenine and guanine) always equal the number of pyrimidines (thymine and cytosine.I was also able to prove that the DNA of various species are different from one another. I did not collaborate with anyone for my experiment but two years later I explained my findings to Watson and Crick who were then later to come up the with DNA structure. I was a bit surpri sed that I wasnââ¬â¢t included in the Noble Prize since I did share my information with Watson and Crick and with that they were able to come up with the model. So, after Watson and Crick won the Nobel Prize, I withdrew from left my lab and started to write essays and lectures.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
M11Cde Skills-Based Assessment
School of Engineering & Computing Department of Computing Internet Information Security (M11CDE) Layered Security Student Name: BUSA ABANG OBI SID:4560229 I certify that this is my own work yes/no and that I have read and understand the University Assessment regulations. Signature: [pic] Submission Details The details below indicate what you should submit, when you should submit it and where is should be submitted to. Submission Date and Method Deadline 11 January 2013 11:50pm online submission. Submission Format: 1. Fill the online quiz for the practical test which will be available one week before the final fixed deadline. . Download an electronic copy of this document and where there are blanks or spaces to complete addressing information etc. , please include them in the document. You submission should include the answers in the document, but do not change the document in any other way! If the document has been modified other than to include the required information your submissi on will be null and void. 3. Your files should be name as ââ¬Å"SID_FIRSTNAME_SURNAME. docâ⬠. E. g. 100292_FIRSTNAME_SURNAME. doc. 4. Save the configurations from all your network devices and embed them into the end of this document. 5.If you have attempted to configure VLANs, please also include a switch configuration from any one of your LAN switches. Please note that this must be a switch that you have actually configured VLANs on. 6. If you have implemented the network in Packet Tracer, you may consider submitting a copy of that as well but this is not compulsory. Zero Tolerance for late submission: If your work is late it will have to be marked zero according to new university policy. Please ensure you upload your work well before the deadline. You will be able to delete and update your work before the deadline. Plagiarism Note:As with all assessed work, both the research and written submission should be your own work. When submitting this work you are explicitly indicati ng that you have read the rules on plagiarism as defined in the University regulations and that all work is in fact your own, except where explicitly referenced using the accepted referencing style. Feedback and marking: The practical work will be marked by using the questions set in the online quiz and number of questions for each section will depend on the weightings set in the below sections. Feedbacks and marks will be provided once the online practical quiz is submitted.Network topology [Whilst the topology shows only two hosts on each LAN, you should configure four hosts on each LAN. ] Network Information The WAN IP network address between Dundee and Glasgow is 209. 154. 17. 0 with a subnet mask of 255. 255. 255. 0. The WAN IP network address between Edinburgh and Glasgow is 209. 154. 16. 0 with a subnet mask of 255. 255. 255. 0. This is clearly shown on the network topology. Dundee information The LAN for Dundee has been assigned an IP network address of 192. 168. 6. 0 Each s ubnet of the above network needs to accommodate 14 host addresses. The subnet mask will be 255. 255. 255. 40. This is worked out by borrowing 4 bits from the final octet and is shown in the table below. Table 1 Custom Subnet Mask for Dundee |255 |255 |255 |240 | |128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 |128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 |128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 |128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 | |1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 | Use the 6th usable subnet for the LAN.Do not use subnet zero as the first usable subnet. The table below shows how the 6th usable network can be identified. |Network |Network ID |First Host |Last Host |Broadcast |Mask | |0 |192. 168. 6. 0 |192. 168. 6. 1 |192. 168. 6. 14 |192. 168. 6. 15 |/28 | |1 |192. 168. 6. 16 |192. 168. 6. 17 |192. 168. 6. 30 |192. 168. 6. 31 |/28 | |2 |192. 168. 6. 2 |192. 168. 6. 33 |192. 168. 6. 46 |192. 168. 6. 47 |/28 | |3 |192. 168. 6. 48 |192. 168. 6. 49 |192. 168. 6. 62 |192. 168. 6. 63 |/28 | |4 |192. 168. 6. 64 |192. 168. 6. 65 |192. 16 8. 6. 78 |192. 168. 6. 79 |/28 | |5 |192. 168. 6. 80 |192. 168. 6. 81 |192. 168. 6. 94 |192. 168. 6. 95 |/28 | |6 |192. 168. 6. 6 |192. 168. 6. 97 |192. 168. 6. 110 |192. 168. 6. 111 |/28 | |7 |192. 168. 6. 112 |192. 168. 6. 113 |192. 168. 6. 126 |192. 168. 6. 127 |/28 | You should be able to identify the pattern (or magic number from the subnet mask). If it is not immediately apparent subtract the last non-zero octet from 256. Edinburgh information The LAN for Edinburgh has been assigned an IP network address of 192. 168. 5. 0 Again, each subnet of the above network needs to accommodate 14 host addresses.The subnet mask will be 255. 255. 255. 240. This is worked out by borrowing 4 bits from the final octet and is shown in the table below. Table 1 Custom Subnet Mask for Edinburgh |255 |255 |255 |240 | |128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 |128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 |128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 |128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 | |1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 |Use the 4th usable subnet for the LAN. Do not use subnet zero as the first usable subnet. You must follow the example for Dundee to complete the table for step 1 planning. You should be able to identify the pattern (or magic number from the subnet mask). If it is not immediately apparent subtract the last non-zero octet from 256. The elements of the coursework are: 1. Planning and assigning addresses [30 marks] 2. Basic configuration [40 marks] 3. Security ACLs [10 marks] 4.Security VLANs [20 marks] The basic theme is that Glasgow (GLA) is regional headquarters of the company. Edinburgh and Dundee are branch offices. Each network associate (student) will be responsible for an entire network. This means that using either the lab equipment in EC1-13 or Packet Tracer, you will configure 3 routers, 2 switches and 8 PCs. A network address and specific number of hosts per subnet has been assigned for the local LAN on each network (Edinburgh and Dundee).From the information provided, the subnet address, the subnet mask, the first and last usable addresses and the broadcast address for each site LAN need to be determined. (When using the router or Packet Tracer ââ¬â it is expected that you keep a copy of your router configuration at each stage, just in case you run into problems). Step 1 Planning Using the chart below, plan the first ten usable subnets of the LAN address assigned to Edinburgh. You have been given the first 6 addresses for Dundee, you are now expected to plan for the first 10 addresses for Edinburgh. Subnet |Subnet |Subnet |First Host |Last Host |Broadcast | | |Address |Mask (/x) | | | | |0 |192. 168. 5. 0 |28 |192. 168. 5. 1 |192. 168. 5. 14 |192. 168. 5. 5 | |1 |192. 168. 5. 16 |28 |192. 168. 5. 17 |192. 168. 5. 30 |192. 168. 5. 31 | |2 |192. 168. 5. 32 |28 |192. 168. 5. 33 |192. 168. 5. 46 |192. 168. 5. 47 | |3 |192. 168. 5. 48 |28 |192. 168. 5. 49 |192. 168. 5. 2 |192. 168. 5. 63 | |4 |192. 168. 5. 64 |28 |192. 168. 5. 65 |192. 168. 5. 78 |192. 168. 5. 79 | |5 |192. 1 68. 5. 80 |28 |192. 168. 5. 81 |192. 168. 5. 94 |192. 168. 5. 95 | |6 |192. 168. 5. 96 |28 |192. 168. 5. 97 |192. 68. 5. 110 |192. 168. 5. 111 | |7 |192. 168. 5. 112 |28 |192. 168. 5. 113 |192. 168. 5. 126 |192. 168. 5. 127 | |8 |192. 168. 5. 128 |28 |192. 168. 5. 129 |192. 168. 5. 142 |192. 168. 5. 143 | |9 |192. 168. 5. 144 |28 |192. 68. 5. 145 |192. 168. 5. 152 |192. 168. 5. 159 | |10 |192. 168. 5. 160 |28 |192. 168. 5. 161 |192. 168. 5. 174 |192. 168. 5. 175 | For the WAN links for DUN and EDN the lowest usable address on the networks must be used. Identify and use the lowest usable WAN address for your S0 interface assigned to you for the two networks shown: 1 Dundee:209. 154. 17. 1 Edinburgh:209. 154. 16. 1 For security reasons, all of the production workstations will be assigned the lower-half of the IP addresses of the assigned subnet. All of the network devices and management stations will be assigned the upper-half of the IP address numbers of the subnet assigned for the L AN. From this upper half range of addresses, the Ethernet router interface (the default gateway on each LAN) is to be assigned the highest usable address. Identify the required IP address of the Ethernet interface on your two routers. Address of your Ethernet interface on Dundee : 192. 168. 6. 10 Address of your Ethernet interface on Edinburgh : 192. 168. 5. 78 The host (PC) configurations must also be planned. Using the table, complete the host information. |Branch: DUN |IP Address Range | |Production Host Range |192. 168. 6. 97ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â192. 168. 6. 103 | |(Lower half) | | |Management Host Range |192. 168. 6. 104ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â192. 168. 6. 10 | |(Upper half) | | [5 marks for ranges of addresses] Supply addresses for a production and management host. Production Host (1) IP Address192. 168. 6. 97 Subnet Mask255. 255. 255. 240 Default Gateway192. 168. 6. 110 Management Host (1) IP Address192. 168. 6. 104 Subnet Mask255. 255. 255. 240 Default Gateway192. 168. 6. 110 |Branch: EDN |IP Address Range | |Production Host Range |192. 68. 5. 65ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â192. 168. 5. 71 | |(Lower half) | | |Management Host Range |192. 168. 5. 72ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â192. 168. 5. 78 | |(Upper half) | | Supply addresses for a production and management host. Production Host (1) IP Address192. 168. 5. 65 Subnet Mask255. 255. 255. 240 Default Gateway192. 168. 5. 78 Management Host (1)IP Address192. 168. 5. 72 Subnet Mask255. 255. 255. 240 Default Gateway192. 168. 5. 78 Step 2 Basic Configuration Apply a basic configuration to the router. This configuration should include all the normal configuration items. You must supply one router configuration file. This will be either Dundee or Edinburgh. The router configuration files will be marked as follows: Basic Configuration â⬠¢ Router name â⬠¢ Console and VTY configuration and passwords (use ââ¬Ëciscoââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëclassââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëberrilââ¬â¢ for console, secret and VTY passwords r espectively) â⬠¢ Interface configurations DTE/DCE identified appropriately and clockrates set only on DCE â⬠¢ Routing correct and working (RIP is fine) â⬠¢ Host tables â⬠¢ Banner display before login ââ¬â warn of unauthorised access Basic Configuration (40 marks) Security (ACLS ââ¬â Marked as part of step 3) 1. ACLs correct and applied to correct interface in correct direction [10] 2. ACLs correct but not applied to correct interface or direction [7 ââ¬â 9] 3. ACLs attempted but some errors or wrong placement [4 ââ¬â 6] 4. ACLs attempted but incorrect and not applied properly [1- 3] 5. ACLs not attempted [0]ACL Total (Total 10 marks) Step 3 Security There are several security concerns in the Internetwork. Develop Access Control Lists (ACLs) to address security issues. The following problems must be addressed: 1. The production hosts in both the Edinburgh and Dundee networks are permitted HTTP access to the 172. 16. 0. 0 network, management hosts are p ermitted no access to this network. 2. The company has discovered an Internet Web server at 198. 145. 7. 1 that is known to contain viruses. All hosts are banned from reaching this site. The ACLs are worth 10 marks. Step 4 VLANsThis step is the final 20% of the coursework mark. To achieve this step you should consider how you might use a VLAN to separate the production and management LANs. The goal is that neither network should be able to see the other network traffic. There is no additional guidance on this part of the skills test as you are expected to identify: 1. An appropriate VLAN number to use for each VLAN. 2. An appropriate VLAN configuration. 3. Implement the VLAN and provide the switch configuration file(s) to show that the VLAN has been implemented. VLAN Marks The VLAN component will be marked as follows: VLAN configured and correct configuration supplied [20] â⬠¢ VLAN identified but configuration incomplete or incorrect [10 ââ¬â 15] â⬠¢ VLAN attempted [5 â â¬â 10 depending on level of attempt] â⬠¢ VLAN not attempted [0] VLAN (Total 20 marks) Appendix Network device configurationsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] Press RETURN to get started! Router>enable Router#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# Router(config)#hostname EDINBURGH EDINBURGH(config)#line console 0 EDINBURGH(config-line)#password ciscoEDINBURGH(config-line)#login EDINBURGH(config-line)#exit EDINBURGH(config)#line vty 0 4 EDINBURGH(config-line)#password cisco EDINBURGH(config-line)#login EDINBURGH(config-line)#exit EDINBURGH(config)#enable password cisco EDINBURGH(config)#exit EDINBURGH# %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console EDINBURGH#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGH>en Password: EDINBURGH#config t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGH(config)#enable secret class EDINBURGH(config)#exit EDINBURGH# SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console [pic] [pic] EDINBURGH#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGH(config)#interface serial2/0 EDINBURGH(config-if)#ip address 209. 154. 16. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 EDINBURGH(config-if)#no shutdown %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial2/0, changed state to up EDINBURGH(config-if)#exit %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial2/0, changed state to up EDINBURGH(config)#interface fastethernet0/0 EDINBURGH(config-if)#ip address 192. 168. 5. 78 255. 255. 255. 240 EDINBURGH(config-if)#no shutdown LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up EDINBURGH(config-if)#exit EDINBURGH(config)#router rip EDINBURGH(config-router)#network 172. 16. 0. 0 EDINBURGH(config-router)#network 192. 168. 6. 0 EDINBURGH(config-router)#network 192. 168. 5. 0 EDINBURGH(config-rout er)#network 209. 154. 16. 0 EDINBURGH(config-router)#network 209. 154. 17. 0 EDINBURGH(config-router)#exit EDINBURGH(config)# banner motd #warn of unauthorised access# EDINBURGH(config)# banner login #do not enter if you are not authorized# EDINBURGH(config)#ip host DUN 209. 54. 17. 1 192. 168. 6. 110 EDINBURGH(config)#ip host GLA 172. 16. 1. 254 209. 154. 16. 2 209. 154. 17. 2 EDINBURGH(config)#exit EDINBURGH# %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console EDINBURGH#copy running-config startup-config Destination filename [startup-config]? Building configurationâ⬠¦ [OK] EDINBURGH# EDINBURGH>show host Default Domain is not set Name/address lookup uses domain service Name servers are 255. 255. 255. 255 Codes: UN ââ¬â unknown, EX ââ¬â expired, OK ââ¬â OK, ââ¬â revalidate temp ââ¬â temporary, perm ââ¬â permanent NA ââ¬â Not Applicable None ââ¬â Not definedHost Port Flags Age Type Address(es) DUN None (perm, OK) 0 IP 192. 168. 6. 110 209. 154. 17 . 1 GLA None (perm, OK) 0 IP 172. 16. 1. 254 209. 154. 16. 2 209. 154. 17. 2 EDINBURGH> [pic] [pic] [pic] EDINBURGH#show r Building configurationâ⬠¦ Current configuration : 1291 bytes ! version 12. 2 no service timestamps log datetime msec no service timestamps debug datetime msec o service password-encryption ! hostname EDINBURGH ! ! ! enable secret 5 $1$mERr$9cTjUIEqNGurQiFU. ZeCi1 enable password cisco ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ip host DUN 192. 168. 6. 110 209. 154. 17. 1 ip host GLA 172. 16. 1. 254 209. 154. 16. 2 209. 154. 17. 2 ! ! ! ! ! ! interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address 192. 168. 5. 78 255. 255. 255. 240 ip access-group 100 in duplex auto speed auto ! interface FastEthernet1/0 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown ! interface Serial2/0 ip address 209. 154. 16. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 ip access-group 10 out ! interface Serial3/0 no ip address shutdown ! interface FastEthernet4/0 o ip address shutdown ! interface FastEthernet5/0 no ip address shutdown ! router rip network 172 . 16. 0. 0 network 192. 168. 5. 0 network 192. 168. 6. 0 network 209. 154. 16. 0 network 209. 154. 17. 0 ! ip classless ! ! access-list 100 deny tcp 192. 168. 5. 72 0. 0. 0. 7 172. 16. 0. 0 0. 0. 255. 255 eq www access-list 100 permit ip any any access-list 10 permit any access-list 10 deny host 198. 145. 7. 1 ! ! ! no cdp run ! banner login ^Cdo not enter if you are not authorized^C banner motd ^Cwarn of unauthorised access^C ! ! ! ! line con 0 password cisco login line vty 0 4 password cisco login ! ! ! endEDINBURGH# EDINBURGH#show access-lists configuration EDINBURGH(config)#access-list 100 deny tcp 192. 168. 5. 72 0. 0. 0. 7 172. 16. 0. 0 0. 0. 255. 255 eq 80 EDINBURGH(config)#access-list 100 permit ip any any EDINBURGH(config)#interface fastethernet0/0 EDINBURGH(config-if)#ip access-group 100 in EDINBURGH(config-if)#exit EDINBURGH(config)#access-list 10 permit any EDINBURGH(config)#access-list 10 deny host 198. 145. 7. 1 EDINBURGH(config)#interface serial2/0 EDINBURGH(config-if )#ip access-group 10 out EDINBURGH(config-if)#exit EDINBURGH(config)#exit EDINBURGH# %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consoleEDINBURGH#copy running-config startup-config Destination filename [startup-config]? Building configurationâ⬠¦ [OK] EDINBURGH# [pic] EDINBURGH#show access-lists Extended IP access list 100 deny tcp 192. 168. 5. 72 0. 0. 0. 7 172. 16. 0. 0 0. 0. 255. 255 eq www permit ip any any Standard IP access list 10 permit any deny host 198. 145. 7. 1 EDINBURGH# [pic] EDINBURGHSWITCH CONFIGURATION Switch>en Switch#config t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch(config)#hostname EDINBURGHSWITCH EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)#line console 0 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-line)#password ciscoEDINBURGHSWITCH(config-line)#login EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-line)#exit EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)#line vty 0 4 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-line)#password cisco EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-line)#login EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-line)#exit EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)#enable password c isco EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)#exit EDINBURGHSWITCH# %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console EDINBURGHSWITCH#config t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. 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Please consult user documentation for configuring VTP/VLAN in config mode. EDINBURGHSWITCH(vlan)#vlan 10 name production VLAN 10 modified: Name: production EDINBURGHSWITCH(vlan)#vlan 20 name management VLAN 20 added: Name: management EDINBURGHSWITCH(vlan)#exit APPLY completed. EDINBURGHSWITCH#config t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)#interface fastethernet0/2 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)#switchport mode accessEDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Things Fall Apart
Things Fall Apart Goals are helpful in life to make one work harder at the wanted task; however, too much of anything is not helpful at all and can turn into an obsession. Also, one must realize change is inevitable. Living your entire life based on trying not to be like someone is not beneficial as proven in Chinua AchebeÃâà ¡Ãâà ¯s, Things Fall Apart and having the fear of change will cause one to live in fear forever. The protagonist, Okonkwo, has strong characteristics that make him successful and earn many honor titles. Unfortunately, he does have major character flaws that lead to his demise.One of his major character flaws that I noticed was his obsession with trying to be better than his father was. Now, those characteristics are beneficial to have because it allows one to strive harder for specific goals. One of my main motivations in life is to become successful so I will never have to struggle like my parents did.English: Igbo Ukwu pendant.Just as Okonkwo did not want to be like his father, Nwoye did not want to be like Okonkwo. Nwoye possessed traits that Okonkwo did not such as gentleness, forgiveness, and acceptance. Okonkwo saw these as signs of weakness. "Okonkwo never showed any emotion openly, unless it be the emotion of anger. To show affection was a sign of weakness; the only thing worth demonstrating was strength" (Achebe 28). Okonkwo considered Nwoye to be lazy and wanted him to be a success like himself. "Okonkwo wanted his son to be a great farmer and a great man. I will not have a son who cannot hold up his head in the gathering of the clan. I would sooner strangle him with my own hands" (Achebe 33). This is an example of the difference in personal...
Monday, October 21, 2019
A Twelve Step Program for Writing More and Interneting Less - Freewrite Store
A Twelve Step Program for Writing More and Interneting Less - Freewrite Store Edited: 5/10/2017 à Theyââ¬â¢re coming at you, pressing against your nerves, your sanity, the very bedrock of your existence. Like Huns, Barbarians, or worse, à door-to-door Bible thumpers. Battering down your defenses, kidnapping your kiddies and pillaging your lovely wife. Bang, bang, bang rampaging your gates. You look out, and there they are: your phone notifications. à A chirp, a bing, a whap, foghorn, an ââ¬Å"ahugaâ⬠â⬠¦ your cellphone is doing its high school drama class interpretation of the legendary Mexican jumping bean. The sucker is practically dancing the Macarena on your desk. ââ¬Å"Dear lord,â⬠you plead with one of your pagan deities, ââ¬Å"please, not today. Not today! I have work to doâ⬠¦ Anything but thatâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ But, still, like that proverbial dog of Pavlovian fame, you sway forward. The siren call of a notification plucks you off the ground by the hair on your chinny-chin-chin. Lifted up, feet skimming soil, the look of a dullard clouding your ADD-sensory overloaded nogginââ¬â¢. Up against your flimsy rampart you go, not wanting to see; down that road lies doom and gloom. Still, your eyes, those traitorous knaves, work of their own accord. Just a peek, you tell yourself. One little, tiny, almost insignificant blink, then back to work. What harm will it do? ââ¬Å"What?!â⬠Your eyes turn into giant fried eggs. A flimsy white bikini, a drop-dead body and an arm, not your own, sliding across a tight belly. ââ¬Å"She didnââ¬â¢t look like that with me! And whoââ¬â¢s that?â⬠à Your day is hijacked by visions of your exââ¬â¢s Cancun getaway. Tomorrow, perhaps, a stroll down Gordon Ramsayââ¬â¢s YouTube Channel. The day after, a fact-finding expedition on Hollywoodââ¬â¢s fabled divorces. On Friday, a particular Troll calls you out. And so on and so on. Work piles up, doing bivouac constructions all over your office. Well, itââ¬â¢s time to snap out of it! Plain and simple. Thereââ¬â¢s being laidback, then thereââ¬â¢s LAIDBACK. If your cat - who, like all felines, looks permanently stoned - comes over and yells: ââ¬Å"Get up, you deadbeat! Do something!â⬠Then, by all means, you have crossed the line. Time to exorcise those digital demons. Time to go all Chuck Norris on that Pokà ©mon Go free-for-all that has suddenly become the notorious Pikachu on your back. Away into the night Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat and all your cousins. Tisk, tisk, tisk, on that deranged Candy-Crush obsession going all Linda Blair-like on your productivity; green vomit everywhere, head doing the twist and jive, scandalous accusations of your Motherââ¬â¢s Hollywood-Hill like exploits in Hell. Itââ¬â¢s time, my friend, to get your s%@t together. The Twelve Steps Step One: Admit you are powerless; your Wi-Fi has you by the throat and your iPhone has a mean right hook. Time to face up to the fact that, unfortunately, you have no self-control. You, like 90% of the population, have been smacked around by this digital age. Itââ¬â¢s all out there, one swipe, pinch, toggle away. Procrastination is slowly but methodically being bred into our DNA. We have become cows; fed data, kept in check, happy with grazing the field so long as thereââ¬â¢s a tweet by Selene Gomez keeping boredom away. Step Two: Power greater than ourselves: Eat the Frog First. In your sojourns in this topsy-turvy world, youââ¬â¢ll come to the realization that there is a power greater than ourselves. Nope, itââ¬â¢s not God, Krishna, Zeus, or Odin. No, none of those guys. Iââ¬â¢m talking about Jobs, Da Vinci, Einstein, Rockefeller, Churchill, Gates, Patton, Twain, and Wilde. The go-getters. Most of them played big, but also did big. The one thing they could all agree on is this: EAT THE FROG FIRST. As soon as you get up, do that one thing that completely sours your mood. That one activity that hangs over your head like a sword. If you donââ¬â¢t, youââ¬â¢ll often lose focus throughout the day. Youââ¬â¢ll look at shiny things for hours just to keep that one horrible bastard on the sidelines. Step Three: Itââ¬â¢s a sprint, not a marathon. Work in bursts of energy. Make a list of items you have to finish that day, and never try to tackle them all at once. If you try to fight it out with the group, youââ¬â¢ll find yourself bloody and mashed up; beaten to seven shades of ââ¬Å"you know what.â⬠Pick a lone wolf off your list and donââ¬â¢t let go off its leash until youââ¬â¢ve managed to tame it. It may take ten minutes or it may take an hour, but work like a madman on that singular project. After you bury that nasty sucker six-feet under, take the same amount of time to unwind. Rinse and repeat. Step Four: Eliminate distractions. Until you transform into a production-ninja, a task-guru, a job-oriented Svengali, youââ¬â¢ll have the attention span of a gerbil on meth. Thatââ¬â¢s just how it is, and youââ¬â¢ll have to learn to live with it. Thanks to all your gadgets, youââ¬â¢ve become that annoying kid in your school that drank Coke all day and vibrated in and out of this dimension during lunch time. As such, eliminate all distractions while working. You are an alcoholic, but instead of Jose Cuervo, you get your fix from your iPad. Limit yourself to one window or application on your browser. Turn off your cellphone. Shred, destroy, annihilate your old tasks. Free up space by looking at what you already accomplished and what is just a load of BS. Work someplace thatââ¬â¢s akin to that hole they toss prisoners in when theyââ¬â¢ve been acting up. You were caught with a shiv, and now itââ¬â¢s time for solitary. Step Five: Zen your zone. A wallet, a home, and an office can tell you a lot about a person. If your wallet has managed to realign your spine, your house looks like it needs a hoarderââ¬â¢s intervention, and your desk has become a biological microenvironment, then itââ¬â¢s time to go to your local 7-11. Get a pack of matches and a jug of gasoline and BBQ that mess. Start fresh and minimalistic. An uncluttered existence is a peaceful existence. Step Six: Handle transitions. Your whole day is filled with a series of tasks; be they kosher or soul crushing. You are jumping from one slippery stone to another. You wake up at the end of one muddy bank, a furious black river before you, and your goal is to get to the other side by nightfall. Or, if youââ¬â¢re a Frogger fan, you are that suicidal toad. Before you dash into the new intersection, or skip onto the other rock, take a moment to breath and get your head on straight. Family life, work life, playtime, downtime, personal time, they all work on different vibes. Take ten to twenty minutes before leaping into a new fray or playground; get your head in order and switch out gears. Step Seven: Do like Bruce. If you find that your mind is getting antsy and wants to skedaddle away, then by all means, accompany it. Like Springsteen, you were Born To Run. Take the Thunderoad but not to your cellphone. Go outside, to the Jungleland, perhaps down those Backstreets, or through the Streets Of Philadelphia. Have, because you can, a Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out. Sit on a bench an ponder the Incident At 57th Street. Think about your Home Town. But, overall, remember to stretch out your legs even if you find yourself by the River, rain falling down on your head Waitinââ¬â¢ on a Sunny Day. Step Eight: Sweat like a superhero. Thirty minutes to an hourââ¬â¢s worth of physical exertion can do wonders for your stress and anxiety, the two naughty ankle-bitters that play havoc with your concentration. High impact aerobic exercise beats these riff-raffs into submission. Youââ¬â¢ll discover as you leave your body-fat on the curb that, along with all those fast-food belly deposits, youââ¬â¢ll also catch your cellphone in the rear-view. Or, if running isnââ¬â¢t your thing, then pick-up a hobby that requires brawn instead of brains. Itââ¬â¢s a swell time to learn how to play the guitar. Step Nine: Stimulate yourself. Mind out of the gutter! What I mean to say is try to make boring tasks interesting. Studies show that a steady level of just-right stimulation is critical for attention. Too low stimulation means a task is boring. Too high stimulation signifies stress or anxiety. Play some downbeat, relaxing, dare I say, ââ¬Å"elevator music.â⬠Buy a bag of candy and reward yourself every time you finish a task. Take a long lunch break. Talk to your co-workers once an hour. The key is to find your ââ¬Å"zone.â⬠Stimulation is a tricky concept; it boosts your attention but only to a certain point. Once it reaches its zenith, it becomes counterproductive. You start, for example, to play a mean air-guitar solo in your cubicle, disregarding all those slips you have to input on Excel. Step Ten: Self-talk. Get those imaginary pom-poms and cheer yourself to the finish line. Studies have shown- cause somehow, they always do- that whenever you find yourself wavering, whenever you think you wonââ¬â¢t make it, the best thing to do is to act like a loon and start talking to yourself. Be your own coach. Repeat after me: ââ¬Å"What do I need to do now?â⬠ââ¬Å"Stay with it; stay with it; stay with it.â⬠ââ¬Å"Youââ¬â¢re almost there.â⬠ââ¬Å"You filthy maggot! You disgust me! Put down the phone!â⬠Step Eleven: Tell everybody about your opening night. Hereââ¬â¢s a trick: If everybody knows you went out to do something thereââ¬â¢s a greater chance that youââ¬â¢ll accomplish it. If youââ¬â¢ve created an expectation, then odds are youââ¬â¢ll fulfill it. There is nothing worse than looking like a loser in front of your family and friends. So, next time youââ¬â¢re trying to check anything off your bucket list, tell someone youââ¬â¢re close to about it. It will generate a sense of accountability. Step Twelve: Keep two to-do lists. The first list is sort of like a diary of thought; write down whatever pops into your brain. Scribble à absolutely every distracting impulse that sizzles a neuron. ââ¬Å"Check Facebookâ⬠; ââ¬Å"Tweet this and thatâ⬠; ââ¬Å"Email friend from high schoolâ⬠; ââ¬Å"Pick up laundry.â⬠This huge tally will help you keep your mind tidy. Youââ¬â¢ll no longer feel the need to do everything on the double because you might forget. Write the thoughts down and come back to them after your work. The second list is the important one. This one, this paramount catalogue, should include three items at the most. Those critical pieces that are fundamental for obtaining a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Set three big goals for the day and congratulate yourself when you crush them.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Edge Habitats
Edge Habitats Across the globe, human development has fragmented once-continuous landscapes and ecosystems into isolated patches of natural habitat. Roads, towns, fences, canals, reservoirs, and farms are all examples of human artifacts that alter the pattern of the landscape. At the edges of developed areas, where natural habitats meet encroaching human habitats, animals are forced to adapt quickly to their new circumstancesand a closer look at the fate of these so-called edge species can give us sobering insights into the quality of the wild lands that remain. The health of any natural ecosystem depends significantly on two factors: the overall size of the habitat, and what is happening along its edges. For example, when human development cuts into an old-growth forest, the newly exposed edges are subjected to a series of microclimatic changes, including increases in sunlight, temperature, relative humidity, and exposure to wind. Plantlife and Microclimate Create New Habitats Plants are the first living organisms to respond to these changes, usually with increased leaf-fall, elevated tree mortality, and an influx of secondary-successional species. In turn, the combined changes in plant life and microclimate create new habitats for animals. More-reclusive bird species move to the interior of the remaining woodland, while birds better adapted to edge environments develop strongholds on the periphery. Populations of larger mammals like deer or big cats, which require large areas of undisturbed forest to support their numbers, often decrease in size. If their established territories have been destroyed, these mammals must adjust their social structure to accommodate the closer quarters of the remaining forest. Fragmented Forests Resemble Islands Researchers have found that fragmented forests resemble nothing so much as islands. The human development that surrounds a forest island acts as a barrier to animal migration, dispersal, and interbreeding (its very difficult for any animals, even relatively smart ones, to cross a busy highway!) In these island-like communities, species diversity is governed largely by the size of the remaining intact forest. In a way, this is not all bad news; the imposition of artificial constraints can be a major driver of evolution and the flourishing of better-adapted species. The problem is that evolution is a long-term process, unfolding over thousands or millions of years, while a given animal population may disappear in as little as a decade (or even a single year or month) if its ecosystem has been wrecked beyond repair. The changes in animal distribution and population that result from fragmentation and the creation of edge habitats illustrate how dynamic a cut-off ecosystem can be. It would be ideal if- when the bulldozers have disappeared- the environmental damages subsided; unfortunately, this is rarely the case. The animals and wildlife left behind must begin a complex process of adaptation and a long search for a new natural balance. Edited on February 8, 2017, by Bob Strauss
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Professionalism values and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Professionalism values and ethics - Essay Example This report aims at investigating how professional values and ethics are employed by the architect contracted to turn UAL Campus. The designââ¬â¢s main goal was to optimise connections between departments within the building, which include the movement of materials and students. The idea behind the design can be said to be the same historical reason, which comprised movement of grain around the granary using wagons. This report will analyse comprehensively the purpose retrofitting and architectural design of University of Arts London, Kings Cross campus in the context of the build environment. The historic, economic, aesthetic and ecological context of the built environment will be evaluated in terms of professionalism, values and ethics. There are a range of factors that shape the built environment posing an architectural dilemma that need to be solved in adherence to professional values and ethics of architect. This project was considered for this paper since the building exemplifies an exemplary conversation of a derelict historic building into a glorious public space and still retain sustainable values (Harries, 1998). Some of the questions that emerged from people with regards from this case include: The architects commissioned were Stanton Architects to design the campus that was estimated to cost à £200 million in the Grade II listed Granary Complex. The university sought to transform the historical building into an aesthetic centre of learning which would be sustainable enough to meet the needs of the students and those of the community too. The University of Arts London campus project was completed in 2011. The building consolidates the Central Saint Martinsââ¬â¢ collegeââ¬â¢s activities under one roof. It comprises of the Granary Building, Eastern Transit Shed, and there are two new four storey studio buildings. The environmental location of this project is very impressive as well as the atmosphere (Fox 2012). It is in
Friday, October 18, 2019
Financial Advisor Career Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Financial Advisor Career Plan - Assignment Example For purposes of this career plan, I have used these two occupations interchangeably because these are two closely related entry-level occupations available in the financial services industry (Murdoch, 2005, p. 8). A financial analyst and a financial advisor can work at a commercial or investment bank, a stock brokerage, or for a private financial services company, analyse financial reports for the purpose of providing investment advice, and open up similar career opportunities within the diverse financial services sector. Both occupations also require similar personal and professional qualities such as good interpersonal, analytical, and decision-making skills. This section provides a thorough analysis of the labour market conditions of personal financial advisors, based on the situation in the U.K. where I plan to pursue the first ten years of my professional career. The main reason I chose U.K., more specifically London, is that this place is the generally acknowledged financial centre of the world. A recent article (Economist, 2006) confirmed this and cited geography as one of the main reasons for its success: it is between Tokyo and New York, the financial capitals of Japan and the United States, two of the world's economic superpowers. London's location means that it can trade with both cities every day, starting the day trading with Tokyo and, just as the workday is ending in London it can also start trading with New York. Throughout the day, it can also trade with other countries in Asia (China and Singapore), the Middle East, Europe, and Latin America. It is the ability of London to trade any time with any other country in the world during a normal working day that makes it attractive for financial companies to have a branch in the City, as it is called. This gives us another reason why London has become the financial capital of the world: the number of finance companies based in London is growing. This means that there are more opportunities to find employment and to gain experience because of the high demand for workers and the high supply of jobs available. This is confirmed by a recent study (Murdoch, 2005) of career prospects in the financial services sector. As the Economist (2006, p. 76) article points out, London is an economic cluster in the fast growing field of global financing. Globalisation Another reason why London provides more job opportunities is globalisation. Micklethwait and Wooldridge (2000, p. xvi) called globalisation "the most important economic, political, and cultural phenomenon of our time" characterised by the "integration of the world economy, reshaping business and reordering the lives of individuals, creating social classes, different jobs, unimaginable wealth and, occasionally, wretched poverty." The globalisation phenomenon is exerting pressure on companies and governments to adopt a global strategy, which Stiglitz (2002, p. 9) defined as "the way firms cope with globalisation, the integration of countries and peoples of the world brought about by the enormous
Internet and American culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Internet and American culture - Research Paper Example r different aspects of culture that have been impacted ââ¬â the way that we interact on-line, the way that we meet new people, the way that the Internet can make a star out of ordinary people, and the impact that the Internet has had on businesses due to services like Yelp! One of the affects that the Internet has had on our culture and society is in personal interactions and social circles. That is, it has made many of our social circles infinitely wider and more impersonal. Take for instance, Facebook. With 400 million users as of February 2010, and an additional 25 million users added each month (Kirkpatrick, 2010, p. 334), Facebook has officially become ubiquitous. Facebook has made oneââ¬â¢s social circle wider, but much more shallow, with some people having 1,000s of ââ¬Å"friends.â⬠And, since it would presumably be impossible for any one person to have that many ââ¬Å"friendsâ⬠, a personââ¬â¢s friends list is mainly populated by ââ¬Å"weak tiesâ⬠who might be mere acquaintances ââ¬â ââ¬Å"it might be someone they met at a conference, or someone from high school who recently ââ¬Ëfriendedââ¬â¢ them on Facebook, or somebody from last yearââ¬â¢s holiday party. In their pre-Internet lives, these sorts of acquain tances would have quickly faded from their attention. But when one of these far-flung people suddenly posts a personal note to your feed, it is essentially a reminder that they existâ⬠(Thompson, 2008, p. 7). While this is an accurate description of the vast majority of ââ¬Å"friendsâ⬠on oneââ¬â¢s Facebook account, it often gets even further removed. Some of the ââ¬Å"friendsâ⬠, in fact, for a lot of us, many of the ââ¬Å"friendsâ⬠are people to whom one has never spoken a word ââ¬â random people from school that you know of, have seen around, but have never spoken to, along with many ââ¬Å"frenemiesâ⬠who you maybe never liked, all show up on oneââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"friendâ⬠list and proceed to bombard you with their everyday mundane activities. Yet these silly, mundane, borderline
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Marine Finance and Insurance - Coursework 2 Essay
Marine Finance and Insurance - Coursework 2 - Essay Example Similarly, they also have come to cater to companies from other countries in the course of their business. Through it all, marine industry players have become subject to foreign exchange risks. They have engaged in deals that would involve gains or losses resulting from the fluctuations in the exchange rates of foreign currencies used. Thus, foreign exchange risk should be acknowledged in the marine industry as a reality that all companies should be prepared for. If managed well, foreign exchange fluctuations can even present opportunities for companies to earn more. Huge capital investments for boats or similar fixed assets purchased from a foreign supplier can turn out to be big mistakes for marine companies that transacted them in a currency whose equivalent conversion to the native currency takes a nosedive right the next day or even weeks after the purchase date. The same is true with having collected revenues in currencies whose values abruptly plummets. Indeed, such cases are not to be underestimated or overlooked. They can lead to material, negative impact on the profitability and financial soundness of any marine company. As a matter of fact, the dread of ending up as casualties of abrupt foreign exchange fluctuation has led businessmen and investors across all industries to adopt different mechanisms to mitigate such risk. Fear and risk-aversion naturally come with things that are unpredictable, uncontrollable or unfamiliar. Risk, then, is a subject that ought to be explored and studied. If risks will be capably viewed in the right perspective by decision-makers, then strategic opportunities for growth and development will not go wasted or deliberately missed out due to attempts to avoid them. Winning companies do not avoid having to face risks; they embrace risk-taking and then learn from it. It is important to create in the company a culture that welcomes risk-taking as part and parcel of excelling in the
Discussion board 3 - Research Design Class Essay
Discussion board 3 - Research Design Class - Essay Example According to Chathoth and Olsen (2003), creation of value from coalition has led to customer loyalty because loyal customers base their decisions on value-creation that results from strategic alliance. Coalition allows customers to operate in a business circle made up of their preferred service providers. Customers who were initially loyal are further motivated because they are able to earn points and benefits from the business coalition. This is because some loyalty programs give visa cards in which customers are able to get rewards for their purchases within the alliance. Loyal customers make more purchases as compared to those who are non-loyal and have low tendencies of shifting to a competitor brand. Therefore, it is advisable for business owners in the hotel industry to apply strategic alliance as a way of maintaining their customer loyalty. Creation of value is the main driving factor behind the success of businesses coalitions thus hotel owners should get to know business par tners who are able to appeal and satisfy their customers. When seeking to determine how strategic alliances impact customer loyalty, a specific hotel can be used for case study. Based on the results of a case study, it may always be assumed that under almost similar conditions, the results would apply to other hotels.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Marine Finance and Insurance - Coursework 2 Essay
Marine Finance and Insurance - Coursework 2 - Essay Example Similarly, they also have come to cater to companies from other countries in the course of their business. Through it all, marine industry players have become subject to foreign exchange risks. They have engaged in deals that would involve gains or losses resulting from the fluctuations in the exchange rates of foreign currencies used. Thus, foreign exchange risk should be acknowledged in the marine industry as a reality that all companies should be prepared for. If managed well, foreign exchange fluctuations can even present opportunities for companies to earn more. Huge capital investments for boats or similar fixed assets purchased from a foreign supplier can turn out to be big mistakes for marine companies that transacted them in a currency whose equivalent conversion to the native currency takes a nosedive right the next day or even weeks after the purchase date. The same is true with having collected revenues in currencies whose values abruptly plummets. Indeed, such cases are not to be underestimated or overlooked. They can lead to material, negative impact on the profitability and financial soundness of any marine company. As a matter of fact, the dread of ending up as casualties of abrupt foreign exchange fluctuation has led businessmen and investors across all industries to adopt different mechanisms to mitigate such risk. Fear and risk-aversion naturally come with things that are unpredictable, uncontrollable or unfamiliar. Risk, then, is a subject that ought to be explored and studied. If risks will be capably viewed in the right perspective by decision-makers, then strategic opportunities for growth and development will not go wasted or deliberately missed out due to attempts to avoid them. Winning companies do not avoid having to face risks; they embrace risk-taking and then learn from it. It is important to create in the company a culture that welcomes risk-taking as part and parcel of excelling in the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Great American Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Great American Dream - Essay Example The dream has limits and has its own laws which is something Jay Gatsby learns to his unfortunate detriment at the end of the story. America is known as the new world, a land of immigrants. So many people came to America, leaving their poor old lives behind. They came from countries with few economic opportunities, with little freedom. Some came with only five dollars in their pocket. In America, because of capitalism, they could become almost anything if they worked hard and had a good idea. In one generation a family could change from peasants or paupers to a rich and well-heeled family. There was enough money for almost everyone. This was all part of the good side of the American dream: that if you worked hard you could achieve anything for yourself and your family. However, there is also a sadder, darker side to the dream. Some people fall in love with the dream itself rather than the self-improvement and hard work that are the foundation of the dream. Gatsby is one of these people. He is very charming and suave but he holds a big secret. He is living a life only on the surface. Gatsby may be rich, but in a way he is living a dream. He thinks he can go back in the past and make the wrong things right again, he thinks he can make Daisy love him again. One of the most famous scenes in the novel unfolds like this: In a way Gatsby is delusional. He has bought into a dream that financially rewarded him, but the substance of the dream is goneââ¬âall that is left is the material husk, shiny and rich, but with nothing real inside it. He has bought the shape of the dream, but not the American dream itself. This is especially brought home at the end of the novel when Nick tries to piece together Gatsbyââ¬â¢s life from what he has learned. Gatsby is now dead, and Nick is sympathetic. He imagines the young Gatsby for whom the world once
Monday, October 14, 2019
Gummy Bear Lab Essay Example for Free
Gummy Bear Lab Essay Question- If the percent of the concentration of a solution varies, will the amount of water gained or lost vary in a linear fashion? Hypothesis- If the concentration of a solution varies, then the amount of water lost or gain will not vary in a linear fashion Prediction- I think that the amount of water lost will not vary in a linear fashion. I think the water will vary like one gummy bear would lose 4 grams while another would lose 6 grams while another would lose 3. 56 grams. Just numbers all over the place. Experiment- 1. Materials needed: a. 5 gummy bears b. 5 beakers c. A scale d. Distilled water e. Salt f. A cover for each beaker g. A paper to put on the scale h. Tweezers The independent variable is the salt in the water. The dependent variable is whether the amount of water lost or gained in the gummy bears varies in a linear fashion. The constants are the type of gummy bear used in this experiment, the type of salt, the type of beaker, the type of scale, the cover, amount of water, and the amount of time the gummy bears have. The control is the beaker without the salt in it; Beaker A. Safety proceduresà include washing your hands before and after the experiment. Day 1: Get 5 beakers and 5 gummy bears. Put a paper on the scale and find the weight of the gummy bears. Then put the gummy bears in each beaker and label the beakers A-E. Put 100 ml of water in each beaker. Pick a solution you want each beaker to have. For this experiment the solutions were: Beaker A- 0%; Beaker B- 5%; Beaker C- 10%; Beaker D- 15%, and Beaker E- 20%. So to put the solutions into the beaker, first take salt and find the weight of it. It you want a 5% solution; the saltââ¬â¢s weight has to be 5 grams or close to 5 grams. Do the same for the other beakers. Of course, Beaker A will have no salt in it because it doesnââ¬â¢t have a solution with salt. Cover each beaker with the same kind of cover and wait for 24 hours to see what happens. Day 2: Take the beakers out of the place they were in. Spill all the liquid out of all the beakers. Make sure to identify which gummy bear is which. It is best to do this one at a time. Take the gummy bear out of the beaker with tweezers. Put a paper on the scale and weigh each gummy bear. Record the weight. When you are done weighing each, throw the gummy bears and all waste away and wash your hands. Analysis: Observations were that all the gummy bears lost their pale yellow color and turned into a clear color. Some gummy bears had salt sticking to it. Another gummy bear lost its shape completely and it looked like glob. Some gummy bears looked like it gained weight and some looked like it lost weight. Errors were that a little bit of salt was added into the control group; Beaker A. Results from Alexisââ¬â¢s group were that all the gummy bears gained weight and Justin told me that all his gummy bearââ¬â¢s also gained weight although I donââ¬â¢t know what their solution were for each beaker or the difference from the final weight to the initial weight. Their results didnââ¬â¢t vary in a linear fashion. Mathematical calculations were to subtract the final weight of the gummy bear with the initial weight of the gummy bear. Conclusion The results of the experiment were that the water lost or gained didnââ¬â¢t vary in a linear fashion. It went from one number to another. Even though the amount of solute varied in a linear fashion, the differences did not. They vary at a nonlinear rate. These results matched the hypothesis and proved it correct. Errors that happened in this experiment were that some salt was added to the control group; Beaker A. This could have affected the dependent variable by gummy bear losing a little bit of weight because of the salt. The results from the other groups were that their results didnââ¬â¢t vary in a linear fashion. This is consistent with my results because the difference in grams also didnââ¬â¢t vary in a linear fashion. This means that my lab was done correctly. Other experiments that can be done are by taking a jar and filling it with water. Then secure the paper towel on the jar with a rubber band. Make a water filled chamber to put food coloring drops it in and see what happens. The paper towel is the cell membrane and the food coloring is the water molecules crossing the cell membrane. Another experiment is by filling two beakers of water, making them à ¾ full and labeling them. Then add salt to one beaker and mix it into the water until no more salt can dissolve. Put a carrot, celery, and 3 raisins in each beaker and see what happens in 24 hours.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Hemispheric Specialization: Effects of Drugs on the Brain
Hemispheric Specialization: Effects of Drugs on the Brain NANA KOFI BONSU AKUFFO LANCASTER UNIVERSITY INTRODUCTION The human body is divided into many parts called organs. All of the parts are controlled by an organ called the brain, which is located in the head. The brain weighs about 2.75 pounds. The brain is made up of many cells, and I the centre of the body. The brain sends messages to all the other parts of the body (ââ¬Å"The Human Brain.â⬠ 19 Feb 2015). The human brain is seen to be in a spherical form. A hemisphere is half of a sphere, so this means, the brain divided into two parts or hemispheres. There is the right and the left. These hemispheres appear to be identical, but closer examination reveals that they are highly specialized regions that serve different functions. The left hemisphere enables our ability to express ourselves in language. In over 95% of right-handed people the left hemisphere is dominant for speech. The figure is somewhat lower for left handerââ¬â¢s, approximately 70%, but still highly significant. The left hemisphere is better than the right at recognizing sequences of words and letters. It controls our logic, our reasoning, and our analytical thought processes. It can focus on details, however it has difficulty comprehending the whole picture. The perceptual functions of the right hemisphere are more specialized for the analysis of space and geometrical shapes and forms, elements that are all present at the same time (not so sequential like language). The right hemisphere is the creative half, it can see the whole out of parts, that is allowing us to connect puzzle parts together. The right hemisphere also plays an important role in the comprehension of emotion. However, the control of drug intake from childhood stages to late adulthood increases gradually in life. Even for medical purposes, the intake of drugs may not just help a patient recover but can also have other negative side effects that later on in life reveal themselves. Drugs affect brain pathways involving reward, that is, the dopamine system in the reward pathway. Within seconds to minutes of entering the human body, drugs cause dramatic changes to synapses in the brain. LITERATURE REVIEW Hemispheric specialization refers to the study of cognitive functions, dividing them up by the hemisphere of the brain responsible for them ( science/define-hemispheric-specialization). Cognitive function refers to a personââ¬â¢s ability to process thoughts.à Cognitionà primarily refers to things like memory, the ability to learn new information, speech, and reading comprehension. In most healthy individuals theà brainà is capable of learning new skills in each of these areas, especially in early childhood, and of developing personal and individual thoughts about the world. The brain has two halves orhemispheres. The two sides look like mirror images. This is calledbilateral symmetry. The wordbilateralmeans two-sided, while symmetrymeans the two sides look the same. So bilateral symmetry refers to the fact that the brain consists of two halves that are nearly mirror images of each other. Some function locations vary depending on the dominant hand of the patient. In general terms, literary functions are focused in the left hemisphere, particularly in right-handed people, while creative and figurative functions center in the right hemisphere. Also well-known is that the brain isââ¬Å"cross-wiredâ⬠, with theleft hemisphere controlling movement on theright side of the body, and theright hemispherecontrolling theleft side of the body. Most, but not all, of the different structures, lobes and organs of the brain have a left and right hemisphere element, andcommunication between the hemispheresis achieved by means of a thick bundle of nerve tissues known as thecorpus callosum, which effectively makes a full brain out of two half-brains. HANDEDNESS AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING It was the French physiologistPaul Brocain the 1860s (as well as his less well-known countryman and near contemporary,Marc Dax, almost 30 years earlier) who noted that, at least in general terms, a personââ¬â¢s handedness tends to indicate aspecialized hemisphere on the brains opposite side, so that a right-handed person probably has a left-hemispherelanguage specialization, andvice versa. Indeed, for almost a century, until theWada test(a technique involving the anaesthetizing of one side of the brain using a drug such as sodium amytal or sodium amobarbital) was introduced in the 1960s, a personââ¬â¢s handedness was just about the only clue an operatingneurosurgeonhad about which hemisphere of a patientââ¬â¢s brain was probably the one specialized for language. Following Brocas findings, it was initially assumed thathandedness and the hemispheric dominance of speech processing were inextricably and intimately connected. However, it soon became apparent, even to Broca, thatexceptions and mismatches existed, and that perhaps the association wasnot as fixedas he had initially thought. Although the incidence of right-hemisphere language dominancedoesincrease more or less linearly with the degree of left-handedness, it turns out to be not quite as simple as that. In fact, after the work of Springer Deutsch, Damasio Damasio, and others in the 1990s, we now know that, although about 95% of right-handersdo haveleft-hemisphere dominance for language functions, only around19% of left-handershave right-hemisphere language dominance, with another20%or so processing language functions inboth hemispheres(the incidence of language distribution inambidextrous peopleis broadly similar to that found in left-handed people). Other studies report percentages for left-handers of 70%, 15% and 15% (rather than 61%, 19% and 20%), but the finding all suggest that, perhaps unexpectedly, some60% 70% of left-handers process language in the left hemisphere, just like right-handers. Indeed, around 93% of all people have left hemisphere language dominance ( One half-brain is not ââ¬Å"logicalâ⬠and the other ââ¬Å"intuitive,â⬠nor is one more ââ¬Å"analyticalâ⬠and the other more ââ¬Å"creative.â⬠Both halves play important roles in logical and intuitive thinking, in analytical and creative thinking, and so forth. All of the popular distinctions involve complex functions, which are accomplished by multiple processes, some of which may operate better in the left hemisphere and some of which may operate better in the right hemisphere, but the overall functions cannot be said to be entirely the province of one or the other hemisphere. And far from having separate lives, the two halves work together. They are not isolated systems that compete or engage in some kind of cerebral tug-of-war; one is not an undisciplined child, the other a spoilsport that throws schoolyard tantrums. Rather, as we have stressed, the brain is a single, marvelously complicated, and deeply integrated system. Like those of a well-maintained bicycle, the parts of the brain do have different functions but, like the parts of a bike, they are designed to work together. Finally, as we discussed earlier, there is solid evidence that none of us relies primarily on one or the other hemisphere. We all use all of our brains; none of us are truly ââ¬Å"left-brainedâ⬠or ââ¬Å"right-brained.â⬠DRUG ADDICTION A drug is, in broadcast terms, a chemical substance that has biological effects on human beings and animals. Inà pharmacology, a drug is a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being.à Pharmaceutical drugsà may be used for a limited duration, or on a regular basis forà chronic disorders. Recreational drugsà are chemical substances that affect theà central nervous system, such asà opioidsà orà hallucinogens. Alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine are the most widely consumed psychotropic drugs worldwide. They may be used for effects onà perception,consciousness,à personality, andà behavior. Many recreational drugs are also medicinal. Some drugs can causeà addictionà and habituationand all drugs haveà side effects. Many drugs are illegal for recreational purposes and international treaties such as the single convention on narcotic drugsà exist for the purpose of legally prohibiting certain substances (
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Fungi Formerly Known as Dentinum Repandum :: Hydnum Repandum Fungus Essays
The Fungi Formerly Known as Dentinum Repandum This paper will cover a description of Hydnum repandum, its ecology, and some research involving the species. The first topic to be discussed in this paper is a description of Hydnum repandum, which was until recently referred to as Dentinum repandum. The description of the fungi will start with the appearance of H. repandum, and will be followed by the life cycle of the noted species. The appearance of Hydnum repandum is quite unique. The stipe of the fungi can range from two to seven centimeters tall, and one to three centimeters thick (Wood). The surface of the stipe can range from cream to yellow in color, and is dry and smooth. The cap of the mushroom is two to ten centimeters broad, with a smooth, dry surface (Graham 84). The caps color can range from cream to orange. It has a thick flesh that is very brittle, with a mild taste and odor. The hymenophore has teeth that are 0.4 to 0.6 centimeters long. They are cream colored, and also brittle (Wood). The life cycle of Hydnum repandum is fairly simple, as you can see from Figure 2. It falls into the subdivision of Eumycota, called Basidiomycotina (Ross 18). This group contains many large, fleshy fungi, To begin this discussion on the life cycle of Hydnum Repandum, this text will start with the basidiospore germination (Webster 295). This results in a haploid mycelium with a single nucleus in each cell. It is then referred to as the monokaryon, or the primary mycelium (Ross 141). Following this, two genetically different thalli come together, and the nuclei move from one thallus into another. The migration of nuclei usually results in both of the thalli becoming dikaryotic (Ross 142). This nuclear migration is very quick, and every hyphal tip becomes binucleate. The subsequent growth of the mushroom is all dikaryon (Ross 143). The next step includes the two nuclei of the dikaryon fusing through karyogomy (Ross 146). The resulting diploid zygotic nucleus then undergoes meiosis, and four haploid nuclei are formed in the basidium (Webster 280). The haploid nuclei move into projections on the basidium, which turn into spores. The spores are attached to the sterigmata until they are released (Ross 146). The cycle then starts over again. The next topic for discussion in this paper is ecology. This will include, preferred habitats and interactions with abiotic and biotic elements of the environment.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Ethics In Education Essay
Abstract Education has ever been considered as one of the strongest foundations for any civilized society. The success of any Nation is largely attributed the way in which education system is built up. There is growing importance the world over these days to incorporate importance of ethical standards in education. Ethical standards in education contain basic principles, procedures and behavior patterns based on commitment to core values that are deeply rooted in education. An ethical education will pave a way to uplift educational standards which in turn will instill right values among students who will certainly create landmark in their career as well as life. ETHICS IN EDUCATION The Concept Of Ethics The definition of ethics is shaped by personal, societal and professional values, all of which are difficult to specify. Some stress the importance of societyââ¬â¢s interests and others stress the interests of the individual. These conflicting viewpoints have dominated the discussion of ethics for a long time and may remain in the future as well. Thus, the term ââ¬Ëethicsââ¬â¢ will have to be defined in this context. The word ââ¬Ëethicsââ¬â¢ is derived from the Greek word ââ¬Ëethosââ¬â¢ (character) and Latin word ââ¬Ëmorasââ¬â¢ (customs). Taken together these two words define how individuals choose to interact with one another. Thus, ethics is about choices. It signifies how people act in order to make the ââ¬Ërightââ¬â¢ choice and produce ââ¬Ëgoodââ¬â¢ behavior. It encompasses the examination of principles, values and norms, the consideration of available choices to make the right decision and the strength of character to act in accordance with the decision. Hence, ethics, as a practical discipline, demands the acquisition of moral knowledge and the skills to properly apply such knowledge to the problems of daily life. Philosophical Theories of Ethics Decision making based on intuition or personal feeling does not always lead to the right course of action. Therefore, ethical decision making requires a criterion to ensure good judgment. The philosophical theories of ethics provide different and distinct criteria for good, right or moral judgment. Three prominent philosophical theories of ethics are utilitarianism, rights and justice. They are normative theories of ethics, which provide a principle or standard on how a person ought to behave towards others by considering the right and wrong of an action. These normative theories are divided into two broad classifications, consequential and non-consequential. Consequential theories define ââ¬Ëgoodââ¬â¢ in terms of its consequences, and a best known example is theory of utilitarianism. In contrast, non-consequential theories define ââ¬Ëgoodââ¬â¢ not by its consequences but by its intrinsic value and the best known examples are the rights and justice theories. These theories are described below. (a) The theory of utilitarianism According to this theory, the ethical alternative is the one that maximises good consequences over bad consequences. Jeremy Bentham, who is considered as the father of utilitarian ethics, defines utilitarianism as the greatest happiness principle (the principle of utility), which measures good and bad consequences in terms of happiness and pain. He wrote as follows in his book ââ¬ËAn Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislationââ¬â¢: ââ¬Å"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do. On the one hand the standard of right and wrong, chain of causes and effects, are fastened to their throne. They govern us in all we do, in all we say, in all we think.â⬠The terms ââ¬Ëhappinessââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëpainââ¬â¢ have broad meaning and encompass all aspects of human welfare, including pleasure and sadness, health and sickness, satisfaction and disappointment, positive and negative emotions, achievement and failure and knowledge and ignorance. Applying the utilitarian principle is a procedural process involving five steps: (1) Define the problem; (2) Identify the stakeholders affected by the problem; (3) List the alternative courses of action for resolving the problem; (4) Identify and calculate the short- and long- term costs and benefits (pain and happiness) for each alternative course of action and (5) Select the course of action that yields greatest sum of benefits over costs for the greatest number of people. Thus, ethical conduct by accountants based on this theory leads to consideration of all possible consequences of a decision for all parties affected by it. This theory takes a pragmatic and common sense approach to ethics. Actions are right to the extent that they benefit people (i.e. actions, which produce more benefit than harm are right and those that do not are wrong). Thus, the cognitive process required for utilitarian decision making appears similar to the cost-benefit analysis that is normally applied in business decisions. However, there are important distinctions between the two concepts in relation to the nature of consequences, the measurability of the consequences and stakeholder analysis. (b) The theory of rights The theory of rights stems from the belief that people have an inherent worth as human beings that must be respected. Therefore, according to this theory, a good decision is one that respects the rights of others. Conversely, a decision is wrong to the extent that it violates another personââ¬â¢s rights. In general, the rights can be divided into two categories: (1) natural rights (rights that exist independently of any legal structure) and (2) Legal rights and contractual rights (rights that are created by social agreement). The natural rights are commonly known as human rights or constitutional rights. Among many natural rights, the right to the truth is important to the function of accounting. The users of financial statements have the right to truthful and accurate financial information when making choices on alternative investment strategies. This right imposes a moral obligation on the accountant and the reporting entity to prepare and issue, true and fair financial statements. On the other hand, legal and contractual rights are important in the accountant-employer and the accountant-client relationships. These contractual relationships mean that employers and clients have a legal right to expect professional and competent service from the accountants. In turn, the accountants have a corresponding legal duty to perform their tasks to the best of their ability within the constraints of their expertise. (c) The theory of justice Understanding this theory requires understanding various notions of justice. Generally, justice is described as fairness, which refers to the correlation between contribution and reward. However, fairness alone cannot define the term justice. There are also other forms of justice, which include equality (assumes that all people have equal worth), procedural justice (concerns with due process) and compensatory justice (addressed the loss from a wrongful act). However, a comprehensive theory incorporating these various domains of justice has yet to be developed. Thus, the focus of this paper is on the theory of justice, which is based on the principle of distributive justice. It focuses on how fairly oneââ¬â¢s decisions distribute benefits and burdens among members of the group. Unjust distribution of benefits and burdens is an unjust act and an unjust act is a morally wrong act. Hence, under this theory, an ethical decision is one that produces the fairest overall distribution of b enefits and burdens. Ethics In Education Basically there are three parties involved in ethical education system namely students, teachers and administrators. Teacher, being the most important facet of ethical education, is the torch bearer to the change the whole scenario of education system. He is the one who could exemplify his ethical behavior in front of students. Students most of the time learn their behavior from their teachers. Right approach of teacher to teach the students inside the class room will make ever lasting impact on the minds of students. It goes without saying that the principle of ethical conduct lie at the core of teaching profession. The whole society can be remolded by administering ethical practices. Secondly, the responsibility for promoting ethics in higher education lies with the leadership of colleges and universities. Like most efforts at organizational change, the energy, financing, and inspiration must start at the top and must anticipate and verbalize a long term commitment to ethical goals . ââ¬Å"Bottom-upâ⬠schemes for change are seldom successful since they lack the organizational influence to create a sustained, well supported plan of action. Ethics issues permeate every aspect of university life from admissions to the classroom, from hiring to curriculum development and from research to the athletic field. To alter the ethics culture in an institution of higher education (or any organization) requires the highest level of commitment and realistic consequences for deviations. (a) Verbal and written commitment of the university president/chancellor, board of trustees, alumni association, faculty and staff to the implementation of an ethics plan of action; (b) Verbal and written commitment of departments heads overseeing student recruiting and admissions policy to an ethics plan of action for their areas of concern. Some possible action items might include advertising that the student body is governed by a ââ¬Å"honor codeâ⬠, the violation of which could lead to disenrollment. The hallmark of the admissions policy would focus on the ethical selection of students to include cultural difference, gender and racial equalities, socio-economic factors, as well as, academic excellence. (c) Faculty hiring guidelines that would include a thorough ââ¬Å"vettingâ⬠of the applicantââ¬â¢s qualifications and background as well as a written commitment by the applicant to fully support the ethics initiative; (d) Faculty members to commit to and undertake curriculum revisions that would include the ethical aspects of their particular discipline; (e) Students to commit to a dormitory, fraternity/sorority, off-campus life-style code ethics; (f) Faculty members to commit to ethical guidelines for the research into the publication of scholarly materials; (g) Faculty members to commit to a faculty-faculty, faculty-student ethical relationships guideline. Lastly, students are also expected to contribute maximally by behaving honestly to their work, duties and responsibilities. They should never restore to any malpractices during examination or any class work. Conclusion The writer has reviewed just a fraction of the literature available on the subject of ethics in the workplace. The literature for the most part, supports the notion that the ethical behavior is good, that ethical behavior is needed in the workplace, and that progress is possible in raising men and women above their more prurient interests. Based on the writerââ¬â¢s experience and discussions with university leaders, however, the notion of total commitment by all stakeholders as outlined in the sample plan is probably unlikely. Cries of academic freedom, unreasonable restraints and loss of flexibility would be echoed from the ââ¬Å"bell towersâ⬠of academia in spite of the intrinsic ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠intentions of the plan. All this does not augur well for the ââ¬Å"fast trackâ⬠implementation of ethics at the university level or in the workplace. Instead, progress in changing individuals towards a more ethical vision of their personal and professional life will be a p lodding effort, characterized by small successes and small failures for a long time into the future. 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Thursday, October 10, 2019
Eating Disorder Research Paper Outline
Take A Bite On This Attention Getter: February 4, 1983 was the day that opened the eyes of America to the view of the damaging effects of eating disorders. This day marks the death of the very famous singer of the time, Karen Carpenter. Looking glamorous and confident on the outside, most did not know she was suffering from Anorexia Nervosa (B5). Throughout her teenage years, she was overweight. In 1967, weighing 140 pounds, Karen was put on a water diet by her doctor. This brought her down to 120 pounds (B6). Even though she was now at a healthy weight, she was still insecure due to her large amount of celebrity peers who were the ideal, perfect weight. Taking dozens of thyroid pills a day and throwing up the little food she ate, by 1975 Karen weighed 80 pounds. Her body became so weak that during one of her performances in Las Vegas, she collapsed on stage (B7). She was then finally admitted into the hospital, where it was confirmed she was 35 pounds underweight. Shocked by this, Karen consulted with doctors and therapists to do anything she could to return back to a healthy weight. However, it was too late. Due to the excess laxatives and starvation, Karenââ¬â¢s body could not take anymore (B8). Her death was a surprise to America, unaware of the dangers of eating disorders. Defintion of topic/terms: Types of Eating Disorders: The three types of eating disorders are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating. Anorexia Nervosa: An eating disorder in which a person sees themselves as overweight, even when they are unbelievably skinny. An anorexic might exercise excessively and starve themselves to lose more weight. Bulimia Nervosa: An eating disorder in which a person eats large amounts of food, followed by dangerous measures to control his or her weight. Examples of this are excessive exercise, self-induced vomiting (purging), and the abuse of diuretics and laxatives. Binge Eating: An eating disorder in which one consumes enormous amounts of food at a time, without the self-induced methods of later getting rid of it. One suffering from this will usually eat by themselves out of embarrassment, and will feel like they have lost control. I) The way the media affects eating disorders is a serious problem A) More and more teens are affected by eating disorders every day. 1) The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) has an estimate of 35 million Americans who are affected by anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. (F1) 2) Eating disorders affect 3% to 5% of the American female population. (B3) 3) 1% to 3% of teenage girls in middle and high school are affected only by bulimia, while 1% to 4% are affected in college. H3) 4) The director of the Renfrew Center of Southern Connecticut, named Burnell, states that one percent of American women are affected by anorexia and five percent are bulimic. The Renfrew Center is an eating disorder clinic in Wilton. (F6) 5) According to Britainââ¬â¢s National Health Service, over the past three years children eight years and younger have been admitted to the hospital for anorexia. From age five to six 98 have been admitted, and from age seven to eight, 99. (A1) B) With more expos ure to the media, more begin to suffer from an eating disorder. ) Dr. Anne Becker, the owner of the Eating Disorder Clinic at Harvard Medical School, did a study after TV was released to the island of Fiji in 1995. After three years, there was an enormous rise in eating disorders, where around 74% of the females said they felt too fat. This culture used to believe ââ¬Å"you gained weightâ⬠was a compliment. (B4) 2) Using the self-improvement program Media Smart, doctors Simon Wilksch and Tracey Wade conducted a study of 13 year olds on how to help teens get a better self-image of themselves. After three years, the students who watched the program did not have an increase of body concerns, while the ones that did not watch it, had an increase. (E2) 3) Sarah Murnen, a professor of psychology at Kenyon College in Gambler, Ohio, did a study on how fashion magazines affected body image. Her research reviewed 21 studies of the mediaââ¬â¢s affect on more than 6,000 girls, 10 years or older. The results showed that the more the girls were exposed to the fashion magazines, the more they struggled to have a positive body image. L2) C) The media should decrease its amount of influence on having the ââ¬Å"perfectâ⬠body because more and more people are affected by eating disorders due to the large impact from celebrities, the press, and advertisement. II) Many people look up to celebrities as role models, while most are portrayed as having the ideal, skinny body. A) While many look up and want to be just like them, celebrities are depicted in a way that is unreal and abnorm al. 1) Colleen Thompson, an expert on eating disorders, explains, ââ¬Å"Many teenagers need a role model and someone to look up to. Unfortunately, too many of them choose fashion models or actresses as role models, they paste picture of them all over their rooms, and some will resort to dangerous methods of weight control to try and look like their idols. â⬠(J1) 2) Research shows that the more exposed to models and pictures in the media, the more one is to believe they have to look like that. ââ¬Å"This happens even though women know pictures have clearly been airbrushed,â⬠Tara Diversi, dietitian and co-author of The Good Enough Diet, explains, ââ¬Å"The rational brain knows itââ¬â¢s not real, but the emotional brain doesnââ¬â¢t. (C3) 3) ââ¬Å"These girls are anomalies of nature. They are freaks of nature. They are not average. They are naturally thin and have incredibly long legs compared to the rest of their body. Their eyes are wide set apart. Their cheekbones are high,â⬠explains Kelly Cutrone, the owner of Peopleââ¬â¢s Revolution. This is a very popular company that displays fash ion shows all over the world. She then goes on to say, ââ¬Å"If we get a girl who is bigger than a 4, she is not going to fit the clothes. Clothes look better on thin people. The fabric hangs better. (L3) 4) ââ¬Å"We know more about women who look good than we know about women who do good,â⬠protests Audrey Brasich, a former teen model and author of All Made Up: A Girlââ¬â¢s Guide to Seeing Through Celebrity Hype and Celebrating Real Beauty. (L4) 5) Barbie would be at least five feet, nine inches tall; weighing 100 pounds is she was a real human. (K1) 6) Statistics from a poll conducted by NEDA, show that 64% of adults believe that media is the cause of eating disorders. Out of this amount, 69% are females, and 58% of maleââ¬â¢s supported it. F7) 7) Out of every mental illness, anorexia has the highest mortality rate, usually in the form of suicide. (F4) 8) Around 5% to 20% of anorexia patients will die. (H9) B) Celebrities themselves suffer from eating disorders. 1) Me lissa Dehart, a former television reporter, suffers from anorexia and once dropped to 56 pounds. Entertainment Tonight has followed her story since 2003. (F14) 2) Kate Dillon, a popular model, admitted she got the idea to purge from watching a television movie. In the mid-1990ââ¬â¢s, she quit modeling when ordered to lose 20 pounds. She only weighed 125. She is now a plus-size model. (F16) 3) According to Beth McGilley, a Wichita Kansa psychologist specializing in eating disorders, trauma, and working with athletes, those suffering with eating disorders need, on average, five to seven years of treatment (K2). 4) The Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD0 state that anorexia treatment cost almost $30,000 a month and $100,000 for outpatient treatments. Insurance usually does not cover any of this. (F8). 4) According to NEDA, out of the 35 million affected by eating disorders, ten million women and one million men suffer from anorexia and bulimia, while the other 25 million suffer from binge eating. (F5) 5) Oprah Winfrey did a huge story about a woman who weighed 38 pounds from Rudine. She dies in 1995. (F15) 6) In 2006, the Madrid fashion show banned any models that did not fall into a healthy weight range. For example, a 5-foot-9 woman would need to weigh at least 125 pounds. L1) III) The press does much research and much damage on the increasing number of those affected by eating disorders. A) The press is a large contributor to the research done on the different disorders. 1) In 2004, the National Center of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion conducted a poll of different methods students used to lose weight. Nationwide, 13. 3% did not eat anything for 24 hours or more, 9. 2% took diet pills, powders, or liquids, and 6% took laxatives or vomited. (F9) 2) 95% of all people on diets will gain back all of their weight within 5 years. D1) 3) In Australia, 50% of girls and 33% of boys believe they are overweight, even though they are considered healthy. (E1) 4) Out of all anorexia patients, 90% to 95% are women, while the other small percentage of 5% to 10% is males. (H7) 5) Out of all bulimia patients, only 20% are males, while the other 80% are females. (H4) B) Considering its large amount of help in research, the press also contributes a large amount to the number of those suffering from eating disorders. ) Tara Diversi says, ââ¬Å"Being overweight reduces your life expectancy by three years, but being unhappy reduces it to nine years. â⬠(C4) 2) Proven by a recent U. S. survey, 97% of women say an everage of 13 things they dislike about themselves every day. (C1) 3) More than 85 million American adults suffer from obesity and binge eating. (F12) 4) Out of every mental illness, eating disor ders contribute to the highest death rate, topping off depression and schizophrenia. (D2) 5) Starvation is performed by almost eleven million Americans who suffer from eating disorders. F10) 6) The serious effects of anorexia are abnormal heart rate, low blood pressure, loss of bone density, weak muscles, dehydration which can lead to kidney failure, fatigue, hair loss, dry skin, and formation of hair all over the body to help keep it warm. (H6). 7) The serious effects of bulimia are electrolyte imbalances from the loss of potassium and sodium from the body, gastric rupture during bingeing, tooth decay and staining from the stomach acids of continuous vomiting, and irregular bowel movements from laxative and diuretic use. H2) IV) Advertisements have a huge affect on oneââ¬â¢s eating habits. A) Advertisement has a great affect on obesity. 1) According to research by the Kaiser Family Foundation and researchers at Indiana University, kids 2 to 7 years old view unhealthy food commer cials 12 times a day and around 4,400 times a year. Children 8 to 12 watch around 21 a day, with around 7,600 a year. Teens view these commercials around 17 times a day, with around 6,600 per year. (G1) 2) Out of all the ads viewed by 2 to 7 year-old children, 32% of them are about food and drinks, 25% for 9 to 13 year olds, and 22% for teens. (G6) ) Out of all kid commercials on food, 34% is about candy and snacks, 28% on usually sugared cereals, 10% on fast food, 4% for dairy products, 1% about fruit juices, and nothing for fruits and vegetables. (G7). 4) According to the Kaiser Family Foundation and Indiana University study, which recorded more than 40,000 ads, 9,000 were about food and drinks. (G5) 5) ââ¬Å"If any parent tried to talk to their kids 10 or 20 times a day about healthy eating, theyââ¬â¢d be considered the biggest nag ever, and yet thatââ¬â¢s how many bad food messages kids are seeing on TV every day,â⬠interprets Margo Wootan of the Center of Science in Public Interest. G4) 6) Every year more than ten billion dollars is spent on advertising food and drinks for children. (G3) 7) Obesity affects more than 66% of all Americans. (B1) 8) Around 25 million or one-third of teens and children are obese or overweight. (G2) B) Negative body image is greatly affected by advertisement. 1) Dove sponsored a study of 445 women, in which 15% admitted they were worried about their image affecting their jobs, while 20% said they dread about their body almost every day. (A2) ) A study done on 2000 women in the UK proved that womenââ¬â¢s first impression of other women is their size and weight. (C2) 3) Cocaine, Adderall, and other caffeine-related diet drugs are very commonly used in order for women to lose weight. (B2) C) Advertisement influences girls in both good and bad ways. 1) Ellen Rome is a spokeswoman for the Chicago-based Academy for Eating Disorders, as well as a pediatrician in Cleveland. She states, ââ¬Å"The media reflects and exace rbates the problems. These teen girls watch and read and observe and emulate. â⬠(F13) 2) ââ¬Å"We do not run photos of anybody in magazines who we believe to be at an unhealthy weight,â⬠explains Glamourââ¬â¢s Cynthia Leive who concludes that the media has a huge influence on womenââ¬â¢s body images and should represent women of all different sizes. (L5) V) Discuss the Future (Visualization). A) The rates of eating disorders will go down. 1) More will not feel the need to have the perfect ââ¬Å"idealâ⬠body. 2) Without celebrity role models looking flawless, most will not feel the eed to look just like them B) More people will have better body images of themselves. 1) People will have more confidence without the need to be so skinny. 2) More will understand their body weight and shape is fine just the way it is. C) Society will be more accepting. 1) People will not judge others as much because the status quo will include a variety of body shapes. 2) With the celebrities and press influencing less on being perfect, more will accept what others look like. Call to Action: Research more on the causes and effects of eating disorders * Bring about this information of how the media influences this to representatives in your community, state, or Congress * Write letters to popular magazines, newspapers, or television shows explaining how they are affecting society * Spread the word by protesting or bringing up the topic at public events in order for more people to be exposed to this * Get others to help by voting for those who agree that there needs to be a change in how the media exposes the ââ¬Å"perfectâ⬠body
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